Copyright © 2020, Red Deer Market. All Rights Reserved.

Vendor FAQs

          Becoming a vendor is easy as showing up and everyone is welcome. First of all, the market does not take reservations or require applications. So, simply show up between 530am and 7am. Access the market 100 College Boulevard. (see map for location and/or directions). One of the managers’ will be there to greet you. At this point you will be put in line to be parked in the order that you arrived. Please be patient as this is part of the process. The Market staff will have you parked before the 8am start time. We would ask that you not show up before 5 am.

          You will need everything that is required to operate your stall. This includes table(s), chair(s), display items, your money float and tent if you want or need one, and any pertinent permits. We also suggest that you have some sort of garbage can/receptacle, especially if you have samples or a product that produces garbage. Last but not least……bring your smiles and enjoy.

          No. You don’t need a tent. However, if you decide to have one to keep the rain, sun, etc. at bay, make sure you have weights to protect you and others from the element of wind. Tents without weights or tie downs will be asked to be taken down for everyone’s safety. Tents cannot be any wider than 10’ unless you are using more than one stall.

          As a casual vendor, you will notice that some vendors will not be asked to line up and proceed directly into the market to park. These vendors are “permanent stall holders”. They hold the same location each week. Permanent stalls are available but are limited. If you are interested, please inform the market manager in the first three weeks of the season. We will try to accommodate you but are limited to the numbers available.

          Permanent stalls are limited. Please let the Market managers know of your interest to have a permanent stall in the First three weeks of the market. During this time the Market staff will find out which permanent stalls from the previous year are returning. Once the Market knows how many stalls are available for permanent use, they will be made available to those who are interested. All permanent stall holders from 2022 have first right of refusal for their location from last year. Permanent stalls cost $700 per season and payment is due upon permanent status.

          To sell food at the market you must have a Food Safety certificate and certified by Alberta Public Health with an inspection. This is your responsibility and Public Health officials will be there periodically for spot inspections. You can contact Red Deer Environmental Health Services at 1-833-476-4743 or online at . They will be happy to get you started.

          The market provides garbage bins for all Vendors to use during market Saturdays. All Vendor garbage should be disposed of at this location or taken home with you. Please note that garbage cans placed in the market area are for market customers only. Please do not leave your garbage at these locations. Should you need directions, please ask market staff for more information.

Unfortunately, No. All vendors should bring their own table, chairs and/or tent and other needs with them.

The market is rain or shine. Please enjoy the weather. This would probably be the time you wished you had a tent.

         Yes. There are washrooms in the Four Centres Building.

          Yes there is ample handicap parking. Let the commissionaire know you need handicap parking or drop off service. If you plan on parking, please remember to display your Handicap parking tag.

          As we all know, “things” happen and its’ not mandatory that you attend each week. If you do know you can’t attend the following week(s), out of courtesy, please let the market staff know you won’t be attending. This especially applies to all permanent stall holders. We’ll know you’re ok (because we do worry about you) and it will help us in the weekly planning.

          At this time the market has a “cans only” recycling project. Blue bins may be placed around the market for this purpose. We are currently exploring other recycling initiatives.

          Stalls are for the most part, 10 feet wide. Most vendors can fit their standard vehicles in the stalls behind their tents and/or tables. Tent only stalls are available should you prefer.

Set up time is from 5 am to 7:59am. Please do not arrive before 5 am.

          Unfortunately No. Should you require power, you will need a generator. Please keep in mind that others may be affected by the noise or exhaust, so please try to use quiet generators and dampening devices…i.e.….wooden boxes to muffle the noise. Generators that are too loud will obviously be asked to shut down.

          If you can’t solve your dilemma amicably with your market neighbour, please do not hesitate to immediately contact the Market Manager or a Market Volunteer. They will intercede and resolve any situations. In all situations, the booth space provides for a 10 x 10 ft. area and the vendor should not extend beyond this space except with the specific approval of the Market Manager.

          Obviously yes….However, If you feel the need to leave for any reason, please get a hold of market staff to assist you with exiting for safety reasons. Please don’t try to leave the busy market unassisted. Maybe try a little shopping?????

          Oversized vehicles are a challenge for the market. We will try our best to accommodate your vehicle but keep in mind you may be paying for space that you don’t actually need or the more likely situation is that we might not be able to fit your vehicle. Be prepared to unload your product to a smaller space and park your vehicle out of the market area.

No. There is no business license required. The Market has an umbrella business license that will cover your business.

          Stall rental for a 10’x approx. 20’ long space is $40.00 per day per stall. A full season is $700. Market staff will collect from you later in the morning, (usually between 9 and 1130). Staff will also provide you with a receipt.

          It is a possible to have a discounted fee at the discretion of the Market Manager. Fee discounts will be considered on a case by case basis and are limited to one 10 x 10 ft. space – if you need two spaces, the second space is subject to the regular market fees. The management of the market does limit the total number non-profit spaces. 

In return for the markets’ contribution of providing a discounted stall, your group must provide 2 individuals to assist in the picking up of garbage from market area. Expect your volunteers to provide approximately 15-30 minutes of assistance. Groups that do not provide the volunteers will be charged the daily fee with receipt provided.

If you can’t solve your dilemma amicably with your market neighbour, please do not hesitate to immediately contact the Market Manager or a Market Volunteer. They will intercede and resolve any situations. In all situations, the booth space provides for a 10 x 10 ft. area and the vendor should not extend beyond this space except with the specific approval of the Market Manager.